Beginning Meditation - Part II

Meditation is work, and you will inevitably come to a point where it seems to be more effort than it's worth; this is when you need your practice the most. Your ability to focus on meditation will strengthen your ability to focus in every other aspect of your life. It's well worth the effort.

That being said, below are some guidelines to help you receive the most benefit from your meditation practice.

1. Set a time and stick to it. Meditating when you can get to it is a surefire way for it to end up by the wayside. Making a habit of your meditation practice will aide you in sticking with it for the long-term.

2. Stretch.

3. Experiment.

4. RELAX. Your mind will wander, especially at first. When the mental chatter creeps in, focus in on your breath and let the feelings go.

5. Read a book or watch some videos on meditation. There are guided meditations that can help you begin and improve your practice.

6. Express gratitude. Gratitude is a powerful state. It's the absence of fear and doubt. Sit quietly for 1 or 2 minutes after your meditation and experience the warmth that gratitude brings into your heart. Ending your practice with appreciation reminds you of what you have and what you are working toward.

As you continue your daily practice, you will be able to reach deeper levels of awareness and spiritual connection which in turn can only enrich your life.

Disclaimer: The text presented on these pages is purely informational.  Check with your doctor before trying any of these techniques to be sure they are appropriate for you and will not interfere with your treatment.

Image: dan /

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